My Credit Union

Xero Direct Bank Feeds


Any product that can help make accounting easier is worth its weight in gold. Luckily for South West Credit customers, we offer Xero bank feeds just for that purpose.

What is Xero?

Xero is an online, cloud-based accounting package that lets you manage your small-to-medium sized business finances anywhere you have access to the internet.

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What are Xero Daily Feeds?

Your South West Credit bank statements can feed automatically into your Xero business accounting software. This feed allows you to import transactions from your accounts into Xero, saving the need for manual importing and data entry.

Feeds are uploaded from South West Credit to Xero automatically each day.

How do you apply for Xero?

You are required to complete the application form and return it to Xero for processing. Typical set-up time for the feed is around 10 business days. Please note, this form must be returned to Xero directly for processing.

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